CIfA Historic England Training Placements: Aerial Survey, Illustration and Zooarchaeology

Editor News

Three new professional work placements are available, each for twelve months, under the Historic England specialist work based training programme. The placement holders will be employed by the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) and seconded to Historic England for the duration.

Training placement in Illustration time in Portsmouth and Swindon

Training placement in Aerial investigation and mapping  based in Swindon

Training placement in Zooarchaeology based in Portsmouth

The placements start in late October/early November 2017, Salary £18,000 p.a.

These placements provide a rare and exciting opportunity to receive structured work based training in specialist areas of historic environment practice, and to be supervised and trained by highly qualified experts. Placements on this programme have been established to address particular areas of skills shortage in the historic environment sector, so career prospects for trainees are excellent.

A placement on this programme is for you if you have some experience within the sector through study, work experience or both, but have not had the formal opportunity to develop your skills to a professional standard.

How to apply: Download the full Advert and Job Description/Person Specification for the post you want to apply for from

Details of how to apply for your post are included in the Advert with the title of the placement you are interested in. Be careful to look at the details for the correct post.

Applications must be sent to, putting the title of the placement in the subject line of the email, by 5pm on Monday 28 August 2017. Interviews will be held w/b 25 September or w/b 2 October 2017.