Consultation on revised NPPF

Editor News

The Prime Minister has launched a revision of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which implements around 80 previously announced reforms. The consultation on the revised NPPF will run until Thursday 10 May. The Alliance will be responding so if Heritage Alliance members have views that they would like to be fed in please send them to

This revised Framework makes a number structural changes such as dividing the document into chapters and both incorporates policy proposals on which have been consulted on and additional proposals.

An initial analysis suggests that the revision does not appear to make major changes to heritage protection policy. In new Chapter 16, Conserving and enhancing the historic environment, paragraph 182 has been revised to clarify that World Heritage Sites are recognised internationally for their Outstanding Universal Value and that this forms part of their significance and should be taken into account.

Paragraph 189 has been revised to clarify that when considering the impact of a proposed development on a designated heritage asset, decision-makers should give great weight to the asset’s conservation irrespective of whether the potential harm to its significance amounts to ‘less than substantial harm’ or ‘substantial harm or total loss’ of significance.

However, a key concern is the weight heritage protection this is given. A proposal that the Alliance strongly objected to in its Housing White Paper response has been taken forward. The presumption in favour of sustainable development currently includes examples of policies which provide a specific reason for restricting development. This is proposed to be changed to a defined list, heavily skewed towards the natural environment, which is set out at footnote 7 and includes Ancient Woodland and aged or veteran trees but excludes key heritage concepts such as Conservation Areas, World Heritage Sites or non- designated heritage assets.

The Government states that this approach does not preclude other policies being used to limit development where the presumption applies, but only’ if the adverse impacts of granting permission would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits’ this will obviously mean that these heritage protection policies will have significantly less weight in the planning process.

The Government has also announced a consultation on reforming the system of developer contributions. An end to end review of planning inquiries is also planned.