COTAC: Trustees/ Honorary Treasurer

Editor News

The Council on Training in Architectural Conservation (COTAC) originated in 1959 in response to the need to create training and educational resources for practitioners involved in repairing and conserving historic buildings and churches. Based in the Building Crafts College (BCC), Stratford, London, COTAC has since persistently and influentially worked to lift standards, develop qualifications and build networks across the conservation, repair and maintenance (CRM) industry sector. This involves enabling the pan-professional Edinburgh Group and working in partnership with national agencies, standard setting bodies, educational establishments and training interests. Details of COTAC’s activities can be found on the and websites

To assist in continuing with this work, COTAC is currently seeking two volunteers to appoint as Trustees, one of which will also hold the position of Honorary Treasurer.

A core programme of quarterly 2-hourly meetings (plus travel time) is generally held in London at the Building Crafts College, although additional bi-monthly meetings may be called for. These may be peripatetic, travelling to other parts of the UK, depending upon business needs. The total time commitment for each position is estimated at 7-8 days per annum. The two positions are non-remunerated, although reasonable expenses will be refunded on the production of receipted claims.

To register interest to become a COTAC Trustee, and for the vacancy of Honorary Treasurer, please submit a brief application statement highlighting relevant previous experience, an understanding of the role requirements, and a short CV to by 31 May 2018.

COTAC Honorary Treasurer Role functions:

• Draft and present Annual Budget for Trustee approval; attend and submit updated financial reports to Management Group and Trustee meetings

• Ensure appropriate counter signatures for all financial transactions, settle relevant claims and invoices, and arrange funds to be transferred from savings account as required and approved

• Act as one of the three authorised signatures required for bank and saving account transactions

• Liaise with Hon Secretary and Auditors to finalise annual accounts and co-ordinate and submit annual Charity Commission returns by end of January deadline, providing required documentation and responding to queries

• Maintain 6-year duration electronic record and retain hard-copy archive paper files of financial activities (Archive locations: to be reviewed)

• Monitor and control COTAC Bank Accounts (at March 2018) held with:

· NatWest Bank

· CafCash Bank (holding reserves)

• Provide financial support for COTAC Conferences, engaging with Dropbox and Eventbrite links

• Ensure web provider fees are paid dealing with IHBC through M0U and Webfaction

• Keep and report up-dated time-spent records.