DCMS Secretary of State Jeremy Wright underlines the importance of creative industries for UK soft power and of the free movement of people after Brexit

Editor News

On 9 October 2018 Jeremy Wright, the Secretary of State for DCMS, delivered a speech at the Creative Industries Federation Summit. He stressed the role of creative industries in increasing UK soft power. In the framework of Brexit, it will be important to show the world the UK’s openness.

The Government aims to support creative industries, recognising the economic importance of the sector. He also tackled the issue of free movement: “I also hear loud and clear that international talent is important for the growth of our creative industries. […] And it’s in nobody’s interests to make it difficult for them to do this vital work.” The Government is particularly working to ensure the free movement of students and people for tourism and temporary business activities.

On this topic, a consultation is now open for a review of the Shortage occupation list. Check out the consultation section of this Heritage Update for more information. The Heritage Alliance published a report on immigration and more recently released a response to the Brexit White Paper and MAC report. We will be responding to this consultation soon.