English Housing Survey 2016 and other reports published

Editor News

The Government has a number of reports on housing. One of those published is a report on the energy efficiency of the English housing stock using present-day statistics, time-series analysis and profiling of hard-to-treat dwellings. Among other things this notes:

Around one in fifteen privately rented homes have the poorest energy efficiency rating (F or G), most of which failed the Decent Homes Standard. These dwellings were more likely to be built before 1919, converted flats or rural homes; and
93% of these energy inefficient private rented homes failed to meet the Decent Homes Standard. 64% of these 320,000 homes were built before 1919.
The majority of the least energy efficient homes (63%) were built before 1919. The oldest homes are more likely to be of solid wall construction, which can be more expensive and complicated to insulate. This is one reason that three quarters (76%) of the least energy efficient privately rented homes had uninsulated solid walls.
Older uninsulated cavity walled dwellings had a higher proportion of harder to treat walls than newer homes. For example, almost three quarters (72%) of such homes built before 1919 had harder to treat walls, compared with around a third (34%) of such homes built between 1981 and 1990.
Other documents published which include analysis of the age of housing stock on various issues include:

Floor space in English homes which examines the floor space in English homes over time and the impact of new measurement methodology on size. Findings include that the average bedroom size in pre 1919 built homes was significantly higher when compared to all homes built after 1945.

English housing survey- Stock Condition. This notes that In 2016, 56% of the English housing stock was built prior to 1965. The age of dwellings varied by tenure. For example, dwellings in the private rented sector tended to be older, with a third (35%) built before 1919 compared with 21% of owner occupied and 7% of social rented homes.