EU Parliament – Historic Vehicle Group: “Securing The Future of our Motoring Heritage”

Editor News

The European Parliament Historic Vehicle Group has launched a report on the future of our motoring heritage. It notes that the historic vehicle movement has a responsibility:

– To respect expectations of modern society:
all owners must maintain their historic vehicles well and must use them responsibly – in particular with a recognition that their vehicles are different to modern vehicles.

– To be alert to the possible use of technological developments used by modern vehicles:
historic vehicle owners should use modern technology where possible and appropriate to facilitate their safe use on today’s road whilst also respecting the authenticity of the vehicles.

– To be active stakeholders:
historic vehicle clubs must play an active and organized role in relevant policy discussions to explain the movement, to explain historic vehicles and to promote their views and the importance of preserving motoring heritage.

– To work to preserve and transfer the skills of specific professions:
the historic vehicle movement must be a part of the process ensuring that the skills necessary to preserve motoring heritage are not lost but are preserved and enhanced for future generations.

– To raise awareness of the value of our motoring heritage:
the historic vehicle movement must continue to raise the public’s awareness of the importance of the preservation of our motoring heritage by explaining that the invention of the automobile is one of the world’s most significant developments of the past 130 years because it has so strongly influenced today’s society.