February #Heritage Chat – Diversity!

Editor News

The next #HeritageChat will be on 15 February 13.00-14.00 on the theme of Diversity in the Historic Environment Sector. A year ago, members of the Heritage 2020 working groups took part in a workshop on the same theme – working with a number of ‘critical friends’ from outside of the sector who challenged thinking about both the issues and potential solutions.

A summary of the 2017 workshop is available on the Heritage 2020 website. It concluded that there are issues to be addressed in terms of data, process and perception. For example:

  • Are we collecting the right data – about the workforce, governance and the way that people engage with heritage?
  • Are our processes (recruitment, promotion) a barrier to a diverse workforce and governance?
  • Do we need to share our best practice in governance better amongst the sector – would a ‘best practice’ self-assessment or checklist be useful?
  • Does the way that we define heritage limit who wants to be involved?

If you have suggestions for questions to cover during our TwitterChat, please add them to the GoogleDoc on the Heritage Chat page and follow @HeritageChat or @Heritage2020 to take part in the Diversity chat on 15 February.