First meeting of the Heritage Council – Michael Ellis statement

Editor News

DCMS has asked us to share the statement below from Heritage Minister, Michael Ellis MP, on the Heritage Council which met for the first time today:

‘Last December DCMS published the government’s strategy for heritage and the historic environment, set out in the Heritage Statement. This also committed to establish a Heritage Council to ensure greater coordination and a strong voice for heritage within government.

The Council will meet for the first time in early May. It will link the heritage sector and all government departments with an interest in, or impact on, the heritage sector and will act as a means of enabling dialogue and driving progress on key policy areas for heritage. The Council will support government in the implementation of heritage policy in England and bring the sector’s issues, challenges and opportunities to the attention of government such as planning, environmental protection, social and economic development, education, health and wellbeing.

There is a confirmed membership across government departments, including a core and agile membership of DCMS; DEFRA; MHCLG and HMT along with Historic England; The Heritage Lottery Fund; The Heritage Alliance; Natural England; The National Trust and Historic Houses.

I am committed to ensuring that the Council has access to the knowledge that exists across the Heritage Sector. I know there will be many organisations who were keen to have representation but I hope that the Council will be able to use the strong relationships and networks which already exist between government and across the heritage sector. Through its core sector members, relationships with departmental ALBs and through close working with the Historic Environment Forum, the Heritage Council will have broad access to expertise across the sector.

I hope the Council will help us all to collaborate, exchange ideas and build consensus in areas across the heritage agenda to better protect and enhance our rich heritage for future generations’.