Fulham Palace Trust: Chair

Editor News

Fulham Palace is a truly remarkable place, ranking amongst England’s most important heritage sites. The Fulham Palace Trust was established in April 2011 to manage, restore and promote Fulham Palace and Gardens.

We are currently looking for a non-Executive Chairman to continue the excellent work started under Tim Ingram, outgoing Chairman, as the Trust enters this exciting new phase in its history. We are looking for someone who is passionate about the importance of heritage, who will lead the Trust to deliver its objects and will further the Trust’s mission to engage the community in the history and horticulture of this historic site.

You should have good business acumen with a good understanding of the financial regime within which Charitable organisations operate, be a strategic thinker, a great communicator, well networked in your area of expertise, and able to develop strong working relationships with Trustees, staff and external stakeholders.

This is an exciting opportunity to put your considerable skills to use and to play an important role in the future of Fulham Palace. To find out more about the role please visit our website www.fulhampalace.org for an information pack or call Jocelyn Ridley of JMR Consultants on 07976 395688 or email jocridley@jmrc.co.uk.

The application deadline is 9.00am on Tuesday 18 April 2017.