Giving to Heritage was The Heritage Alliance’s exciting training programme for fundraisers in the heritage sector, which ended in 2017, but its legacy led to many successful heritage projects and initiatives (see the full report on Giving to Heritage programme here). Working in partnership with the Institute of Fundraising, the programme represented a major step change in fundraising to help secure a productive future for many of our heritage assets.
Along with other advice about the training opportunities that have run across the two-year project, over 30 recorded webinars are still available to watch on the website.
In this webinar on Fundraising through Partnerships, Louisa Yates from Gladstone’s Library discusses the vast potential of partnering your heritage organisation up with bigger institutions and considers how a small body negotiates parity with an institution that has many more people, networks, power and money. Louisa will be drawing on her own experiences at Gladstone’s Library and will provide greater insight into this area.