Government published their official response to the consultation on a package of measures to provide greater planning certainty to support the high street and housing delivery.
The report sets out the key issues raised in response to the 2018 consultation and the Government response in respect of:
Part 1: permitted development rights and use classes – this includes new and amended permitted development rights to support the high street, enable people to build a larger extension to their home, and to remove the right to install a public call box and deemed advertisement consent;
Part 2: the disposal of surplus local authority land – rationalising and updating the rules which govern disposal of public land at less than best value;
Part 3: The listed building consent Order to support the work of the Canal & River Trust;
Part 4: draft guidance on the compulsory purchase powers of new town development corporations.
For more details and to read the full response and the original consultation document, please follow this link.