Government Response to Full Time Social Action Review

Editor News

The Government has responded to the eight recommendations of Steve Holliday’s Review into Full-Time Social Action for Young People.

In response to the recommendations, which aim to remove the barriers discouraging participation and create an environment where full-time social action opportunities are more accessible, the Government has promised to raise the issue at the cross-government Civil Society Directors group chaired by DCMS’s Director of the Office for Civil Society.

DCMS also stated they will monitor the evidence base on full-time social action and build up a picture of youth sector evidence as part of the Civil Society Strategy and considerations ahead of the next Spending Review.

The Government also pointed to numerous initiatives already underway, including the #iwill campaign, which was coordinated by the charity Step Up To Serve, supported by over 850 partners, and funded by £40 million from Government and the Big Lottery Fund.

The full response can be found here.