Government Response to The Technical Consultation on Updates to National Planning Policy and Guidance

Editor News

Over the next 18 months the Government will review the formula and the way it is set using National Statistics data with a view to establish a new approach that balances the need for clarity, simplicity and transparency for local communities with the Government’s aspirations for the housing market.

On the proposed clarifications to footnote 37 and the glossary definition of local housing need, there was considerable opposition (64%) from individuals, who were concerned that the proposed changes favour developers and could have a negative impact on local authorities, the neighbourhood planning process and Green Belt policy.

The Government stated that as the proposed change is no more than a clarification of the existing policy it should not have the sort of negative impacts that some responses have suggested. As a result, the Government intends to make these minor changes to the National Planning Policy Framework and is publishing an updated version on the website.