Help to Diversify the Heritage Workforce

Editor News

Historic England is inviting historic environment sector organisations to participate in their annual programme to help diversify the heritage workforce in England so that it is more representative of the wider population.

Historic England has been been running a training placement scheme for university students with Black, Asian and other Minority Ethnic Heritage for the last 3 years which has proved very successful for the students and organisations that have participated.
The key facts are:

  • Its aimed at undergraduates and recent graduates from any course who may not necessarily be considering a career in heritage – yet.
  • Placements are ring-fenced to BAME students as that is where there is significant under-representation.
  • Placements are for 8 weeks and take place in the university summer holidays.
  • Students are awarded a bursary to cover their living expenses. This is £300 per week outside London and £350 in London and is payable to the student by the host organisation.
  • Deadline for expressions of interest is 28th February.

Please email for further information and an expression of interest form.

The Heritage Alliance hosted a placement last summer and we can highly recommend the experience.