The Heritage 2020 Capacity Building group brings together people from 11 organisations to address issues that the historic environment sector has agreed are a priority for collaborative working in England.
The two current action areas are:
working towards a more integrated and focused approach to education, training and continuing professional development of heritage professionals, and;
working towards a sustainable model for Local Planning Authority conservation and archaeology services.
The first area is being addressed by bringing the sector together around the developments in Apprenticeship Reform. Following an event in March that brought employers, professional bodies and other interested parties together, there is now considerable activity by the Historic Environment Trailblazer group to develop the standards that will be used by the sector. Find out more on the Historic England website .
In its second action area, the group is reviewing and updating a list of local government statutory services to provide baseline information on the statutory services that are currently provided. This will be enhanced by information on discretionary services and the overall resource will feed into future thinking about a sustainable model for services, and associated advocacy work.
Find out more about the Heritage 2020 Capacity Building group.