Heritage 2020 group updates

Editor News

The five Heritage 2020 working groups meet regularly through the year and bring together a range of organisations from across the historic environment sector to work together to address the five themes of the Heritage 2020 framework.

You can find out more about their work through the group pages of the Heritage 2020 website.

Live topics include:

understanding and strengthening the relationships between higher education institutions and historic environment sector organisations;
improving access to guidance on the disposal and transfer of publicly owned heritage assets;
the role of heritage in the economic health of high streets; how to share learning on what makes a youth engagement project successful;
review of Local Planning Authority statutory services as a first step towards focusing those bodies on the need to retain the skills and expertise necessary to discharge those duties;
reforms to Apprenticeships; and
how to build persuasive arguments about the positive contribution of heritage using the evidence available to the sector.
You can find out more about their work through the group pages of the Heritage 2020 website: http://www.heritage2020.net/working-groups/