Heritage Railway Association appoints CEO

Editor News

The Heritage Railway Association has appointed Stephen Oates as Chief Executive Officer, to help the company handle its increasingly busy role, supporting railways and members across the UK.

Steve Oates said, ‘Heritage railways are important. They are important to the nation’s visitor economy attracting some 10 million visitors each year; they retain and nurture important skills, and employ some 4,000 people; they are important to local communities, providing interest and participation for around 18,500 volunteers; they are important to the wider economy, together contributing over £250million of economic impact. …. And, most importantly, heritage railways preserve and present a once essential part of this country’s rich transport landscape. So I’m excited and extremely privileged to be appointed to head-up and lead the heritage railway industry’s national trade and membership organisation. I look forward to supporting our member railways, promoting and increasing the profile of all that they do, and helping to ensure we keep this important part of our nations’ history alive and flourishing for current and future generations to experience and enjoy.’