Heritage Railway Association – Archivist

Editor News, Vacancies

The Heritage Railway Association (HRA) [Alliance member] is seeking applications for the role of Archivist.

This post reports through the Heritage Committee. Meetings are held four times a year, three of which are in London and one at the National Railway Museum (NRM), York, generally on a weekday.

The core task is to manage the archive of the HRA. This is currently housed in Yorkshire, much of it at the NRM; however, it could be relocated to another suitable location if thought prudent. Previous experience of archive work, preferably in a professional capacity, would be helpful. You should be computer literate and have good communicating skills.

In addition to the core tasks, the postholder is also welcome to assist with other elements of the Committee’s work, specific tasks being shared out amongst Committee members.

This is a volunteer role with no remuneration. Travel and subsistence costs (and any other appropriate outlays) can be reimbursed under the terms of the current HRA Expenses Guidelines. There are no specific hours of duty but the successful applicant will have sufficient time to undertake the role.

Please reply in the first instance to: Sam Bee (Committee Chairman), with C.V. and any further detail which you think might be relevant.

Deadline: 30th November 2019.