Highways England is looking for organisations to come forward projects which conserve and/or enhance heritage assets associated with the strategic road network and which are over and above our ‘business as usual’. Further details are here and the application form is here.
The Strategic Road Network Initial Report was recently published, setting the framework for the Government’s approach to RIS2. Among other things the report notes reveals:
- Plans to spend £4.5 million on schemes in 2017 to reduce the network’s visual impact and improve the landscape
- Aims to restore the estate condition in order to deliver landscape and heritage objectives, and support a net gain in biodiversity by 2040
- That Highways England is currently reviewing and confirming the influence of the network on the condition of heritage assets close to it (including impacts on their setting) and will then be able to implement conservation measures for those heritage assets which are currently at risk, and to identify and deliver enhancement projects.
The report is out for consultation until 8 February 2018.