Historic England National Capacity Building Programme 2019-2020 Call for Applications

Editor News

On 24 September 2018 the window opens for applications to Historic England’s National Capacity Building Grants Programme, for projects that run for a maximum of 1 year. Funding will begin from 1 April 2019.

The deadline for submitting grant applications is midnight on 4 November 2018, which allows us to give funding decisions by mid-December 2018. For an application form and guidance notes please email PBSTServices@historicengland.org.uk. If you are aware of other bodies who might be interested in the National Capacity Building Programme, please feel free to pass on this announcement.

If you would like to discuss a potential grant project for funding before you submit an application please contact Beki Burns, National Historic Places Support Officer, on 01904 601935 or email rebecca.burns@historicengland.org.uk.