‘Managing Major Buildings Projects’ training day, Thursday 19th October, Oxford

Editor News

HRBA, a group within the Heritage Alliance, is running its 7th training day on ‘Managing Major Building Projects in Places of Worship’, in partnership with Purcell UK.  It is taking place at the Wesley Memorial Church in the centre of Oxford.

The day covers the management of all stages of a building project in a place of worship, from start up through to making sure benefits are achieved over the long term.

Presentations will include developing your vision, engaging with the wider community, fundraising, working with your architect and managing works once on site. We will also be hearing from three case studies that will tell us how it ‘really was’ and reflecting on lessons learnt. There will be a session from the Heritage Lottery Fund as well as lunchtime surgeries where individual cases can be discussed.

Anyone thinking about or starting to plan a major building project for their place of worship will find it invaluable. Book here. All are welcome, you don’t have to be based in the south-east. If you would like further information please contact Becky Payne.