March HeritageChat: Technology and Innovation

Editor News

Our March #HeritageChat is on the theme ‘Technology and Innovation in the historic environment sector.’ It’s being led by Wessex Archaeology [Alliance Member], one of the UK’s leading providers of archaeological and heritage services, and an educational charity. This year, the organisation celebrates its 40th anniversary and looks ahead at what future innovations might bring for the sector.

We’re looking for suggestions on topics to cover during the chat. For instance, how technology is shaping research and understanding of the historic environment; the opportunities and challenges it presents as an engagement tool; and how the heritage sector can lead the way towards delivering the goals of ‘Culture is Digital’.

Please add your suggestions to the GoogleDoc available here and we’ll publish the list of topics that will be used as prompts during the chat on March 18th.

The HeritageChat will take place on 21st March, 13.00-14.00 and we look forward to chatting with you about technology and innovation @Wessexarch @HeritageChat.

Click here for further information on the monthly Heritage Chat