National Heritage Science Forum (NHSF): Chair for Board of Trustees

Editor News

The Chair’s role is to provide strategic leadership to the Board of Trustees as the Forum delivers its goals of improving collaboration in the field of heritage science, demonstrating the public benefit of heritage science, and helping practice to make better use of heritage science research.

Over the past year the NHSF has led the development of a new strategic framework for heritage science in the UK which is due to be launched at the end of 2018. The Forum is seeking a new Chair who can work with NHSF’s trustees to raise NHSF’s profile amongst policy makers and decision makers, and facilitate the partnerships that will be critical to delivering the strategic framework.

NHSF is a charity registered in England & Wales (no. 1154160) and the role of Chair is voluntary. For further information, please see:

Closing date for expressions of interest 31st October 2018.