Mayflower 400th Anniversary Commemorations to receive Extra Funding

Editor News

With the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s sailing taking place on 16th September 2020, it has been announced that the official Commemorations led by Plymouth will receive an additional £250,000 grant. The Commemorations will consist of a year-long programme of cultural events and activities across …

Victorian Society announces Top 10 Endangered Buildings List

Editor News

The Victorian Society [Alliance member] has released its annual Top 10 Endangered Buildings List which recognises at-risk Victorian and Edwardian buildings and structures throughout England and Wales. The buildings this year include a Victorian seaside winter gardens, a set of seven London gasholders, a Victorian …

Government funds to overcome barriers to new housing

Editor News

The Government has announced funding which may this may offer opportunities for the conversion of difficult derelict heritage buildings into new housing. To achieve the Government’s commitment to deliver 300,000 new homes by the mid-2020s, 2 new streams of investment – the Land Assembly Fund …

Oxfordshire granted new Planning Flexibilities to build 100,000 homes

Editor News

As of the 12th September 2018 Oxfordshire planning authorities have been given certain planning flexibilities as part of its £215 million project to deliver 100,000 by 2031. Under the changes, flexibility has been granted concerning the National Planning Policy Framework’s policy for maintaining a 5 …

Minutes of Charity Tax Forum published

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As noted by the Charity Tax Group, HMRC has published the minutes of the Charity Tax Forum meeting held on 7th June 2018 which can be found here. Points of interest include: discussion of the Corporate Criminal Offences legislation – HMRC officials encouraged charities to …

DCMS release updates to the Community Life Survey 2017-18

Editor News

DCMS have added new information to their Community Life Survey released in July, this includes fact sheets for charitable giving and formal volunteering. This may be of interest to heritage organisations when determining the direction of their fundraising and volunteering activities. The full report can …

Liberal Democrats call for abolition of Business Rates

Editor News

The Liberal Democrats have published a report calling for the abolition of business rates in favour of a tax on land value. The report sets out proposals for a new “Commercial Landowner Levy”, under which businesses would only be taxed for the land they own …

Model Byelaws

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The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government has released a set of Model Byelaws as guidance for local authorities. Of particular interest to the heritage sector are those relating to Promenades, Seashores, Markets and Pleasure Grounds. For the full list and details click here.

Report on Place-based giving schemes

Editor News

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport has released a report summarising the current state of the place-based giving movement in England. The research is intended to help paint a clearer picture of the broad range of place-based giving schemes in England, as well …

Historic England launches 100 Places

Editor News

Historic England has launched its new book Irreplaceable: A History of England in 100 Places at an event at the V&A which the Alliance was delighted to attend. The launch, generously sponsored by Ecclesiastical, saw speeches from Tristram Hunt of the V&A, Sir Laurie Magnus …