Coastal projects to receive first wave of funding

Editor News

The Government has announced that 16 ‘fast track’ coastal projects ready to start this year will receive over £6 million in investment creating around 1100 jobs. The announcement by the Coastal Communities Fund includes a range of coastal heritage projects from boat tours in Falmouth’s …

Loneliness in the UK

Editor News

Tracey Crouch, Minister for Loneliness, has addressed the Public Health England Annual Conference on the problem of loneliness. In her speech she details £20 million in funding already available for projects designed to bring people together and aims to “expand the national conversation taking place …

Integrating Mobile heritage within the heritage sector

Editor News

The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, looks after over 550 historic vehicle clubs covering cars, motorcycles, buses, coaches, lorries, military, agricultural and steam vehicles. Historic vehicles embrace those created in the late 19th century up to …

Younger donors the most giving in the UK

Editor News

According to the report The Next Generation of UK Giving, published by Blackbaud, 11 million millennial donors (born between 1981 and 1995) gave £2.7bn to over 5,000 different charities in 2017 making them the largest donating cohort in the UK. The report stresses that “If …

Government awards £70,000 to Pub is The Hub scheme

Editor News

More than 30 rural communities are set to benefit from new or expanded village services from libraries and shops to post offices, all delivered by their local pub. The Government has been funding Pub is the Hub since 2012 and this new funding is expected …

Budget 2018 – Call for Representations

Editor News

HM Treasury has asked for representations on the forthcoming Budget to be submitted by the 28th September. A Budget representation is a written representation from an interest group, individual or representative body to HM Treasury with the aim of commenting on Government policy and suggesting …

Collections 2030, Have your say

Editor News

The Museums Association (MA) has launched Collections 2030, a major new research project that seeks to understand the current state of museum collections in the UK. The MA has published a discussion paper and a series of research questions and is looking for responses from …

‘Code of Fundraising Practice 2.0’

Editor News

The Fundraising Regulator has released a new draft of the Code of Fundraising; this is the first time the code has been reviewed since 2005 and hopes to make it clearer and more accessible. The Regulator has now opened a consultation period which can be …

Heritage Action Zone Project Manager, Greater Grimsby

Editor News

Up to £38,000pa depending on experience fixed term until March 2023 This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be involved in what is potentially a career defining role, managing the delivery of an ambitious regeneration project in the Greater Grimsby Heritage Action Zone. …