DCLG Planning Update newsletter – planning fee increase

Editor News

The Planning Directorate has published its newsletter on the Government’s programme of planning reform. The update includes mention of the Regulations to introduce the 20% increase in planning fees which were made on 20th December 2017. These mean that local planning authorities will be able …

Report on Cathedrals and their Communities

Editor News

The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has published (December 2017) Cathedrals and their communities: a report on the diverse roles of cathedrals in modern England. It summarises the findings from the tour of all 42 Church of England cathedrals undertaken by Lord Bourne …

Independent review to tackle barriers to building

Editor News

A panel of experts to review the gap between number of planning permissions being granted and those built in areas of high demand has been appointed. Phase 1 of the review – currently underway – will seek to identify the main causes of the gap …

Charity annual return deadline imminent

Editor News

If your charity’s financial year ends on 31 March 2017 you must submit a return by 31 January 2018, no later than 10 months after the end of their financial year.

Charity Commission to change 2018 annual return

Editor News

The Charity Commission has amended the content of the annual return for 2018 after consultation with charities. It says the new annual return will make for an easier user experience for charities that it will be more proportionate than in the past, with many charities …

Government emphasises housing with DCLG rebrand to DHCLG

Editor News

The Department of Communities and Local Government has been renamed the Department of Housing, Communities and Local Government. Sajid Javid MP, now the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, said: ‘The name change for the department reflects this government’s renewed focus to …

European Commission proposals on VAT rates published

Editor News

The Charity Tax group has summarised the EU’s proposed changes to VAT. In addition to keeping a standard VAT rate of minimum 15% the European Commission has proposed that Member States be now able to put in place: two separate reduced rates of between 5% …