Derby Council successful heritage partnership

Editor News

Derby City Council has highlighted how a nine-year collaborative partnership scheme between Historic England, the Council and local retailers to revive Derby’s historic shopping streets is celebrating success. The scheme has brought 2,800 square metres of floor space back into use, created 42 new jobs, …

Church spires to boost digital connectivity in rural areas

Editor News

Church spires across the UK will be used to boost digital connectivity in rural areas following an agreement between the Government and the Church of England. Clear guidance set out by both the Church and Historic England is intended to ensure that any telecoms infrastructure …

Historic England launches in-house training courses

Editor News

Historic England provides short training courses as a way of building skills capacity in the heritage sector. Until recently Historic England worked in partnership with the University of Leicester to deliver the most technical and specialist subjects, though its Heritage Practice programme. From 2018/19 Historic …

Implementation of the Housing and Planning Act 2016

Editor News

The Commons Library has published a briefing on progress on implementing the provisions of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 (HPA 2016). A number of the Act’s planning measures are in force, including those relating to neighbourhood and local planning and permission in principle and …

Michael Gove speech on the future of farming subsidies

Editor News

Secretary of State Michael Gove gave a speech to the NFU Farming Conference 2018 which further elaborated on his view on the future of farming subsidies. He noted that the ‘landscapes which draw tourists, from the Lake District to Dartmoor, the Northumberland coast to Pembrokeshire, …

Report on how Liverpool might save its World Heritage Status

Editor News

Liverpool Council, together with government and Historic England, has drafted a Desired State of Conservation Report (DSOCR) which describes the corrective measures Liverpool is proposing to protect the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the site which the city hopes will persuade UNESCO to remove the …

Architecture Schools Database Launch

Editor News

The Architecture Schools Database is a new free-to-access digital platform designed to showcase the work of architecture schools from across the world. It provides a searchable aggregator of the design studios and research projects being undertaken in schools where architecture is taught in English. The …

20% off Historic England’s new book the British Mosque

Editor News

Historic England has published ‘The British Mosque’ which presents the first overview of Muslim architecture in Britain, from the earliest examples in the late 19th century, to the mosques being built today. Key architectural stages are identified and explained alongside the social history of Muslim …