New guide helps charities gain cyber security confidence

Editor News

A new guide aimed at helping charities be more confident against digital risk has been launched by Alliance sponsor, insurer Ecclesiastical in partnership with the Charities Security Forum. The free cyber security guide for charities aims to help the third sector confidently embrace technology, by educating them on …

CIfA briefing on NPPF and ‘good planning’ position statement

Editor News

The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists [Alliance Member] has produced a briefing on the weakening of archaeology provisions in the proposed revised National Planning Policy Framework, which is currently being consulted on by MHCLG. You can download the briefing here. The briefing highlights a number of changes to …

The 2018 WMF/Knoll Modernism Prize

Editor News

The 2018 WMF/Knoll Modernism Prize—now celebrating its tenth anniversary—will be awarded to an architect or design professional who has taken an innovative approach to preserving and saving a threatened modern building or complex. Nominate a deserving project before 15 June 2018.

Interim Secretary for the Georgian Group

Editor News

David Adshead is serving as Interim Secretary to the Georgian Group from April until the end of September 2018, while the amenity society’s Secretary David McKinstry is on sick leave.  David Adshead can be contacted on

The future of the European Social Fund inquiry

Editor News

The House of Commons Work and Pensions Committee has published a report following its The future of the European Social Fund inquiry. The report recommends that the Government proceed urgently with detailed design of a successor to the European Social Fund so that there is no …

DCMS/Wolfson Museums and Galleries Improvement Fund 2018-20

Editor News

The DCMS/Wolfson Museums and Galleries Improvement Fund ​2018-20 is now accepting applications for capital projects at eligible organisations. Guidance documents and terms and conditions can be found in the attachment. All applications must be submitted to by 31st August 2018

April letter to chief planning officers

Editor News

MHCLG has published its April letter to chief planning officers of local planning authorities in England, providing guidance about various aspects of the planning system. This notes that the Government plans to publish the final NPPF in the summer.

House of Lords Library report: European Union (Withdrawal) Bill

Editor News

This House of Lords Library briefing was prepared for the report stage in the House of Lords of the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill, which started on 18 April 2018. It summarises areas of the Bill which the Government indicated during committee proceedings it would look at again. …

Independent review of MHCLG’s governance of the business rates system

Editor News

Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Sajid Javid, has announced details of an independent review of the processes and procedures that underpin the Ministry’s governance of the business rates system. The Alliance has previously raised concerns over the impact of business rate re-evaluations on heritage attractions.

Government to professionalise the estate agent market

Editor News

New measures will be introduced to professionalise the estate agent market, driving up standards. As the Alliance argued in our consultation response this has the potential to make buyers better aware of obligations relating to listed buildings and conservation areas, among other historic environment issues. Estate agents will now …