Heritage Railway Association appoints CEO

Editor News

The Heritage Railway Association has appointed Stephen Oates as Chief Executive Officer, to help the company handle its increasingly busy role, supporting railways and members across the UK. Steve Oates said, ‘Heritage railways are important. They are important to the nation’s visitor economy attracting some 10 million …

First ever DCMS Diversity Forum

Editor News

In the first event of its kind, Digital and Culture Secretary Matt Hancock, brought together more than 100 organisations from across the digital, culture, media and sporting worlds to address diversity concerns. The new forum will identify and share best practice for increasing diversity and social mobility, …

Intangible Cultural Heritage

Editor News

In response to a motion by Fiona Hyslop the Scottish Parliament has noted the terms and purposes of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which was adopted by UNESCO in 2003, and called on the UK Government to ratify it.

Bottle return and littering fines

Editor News

A deposit return scheme to increase recycling rates and slash the amount of waste polluting our land and seas will be introduced subject to consultation later this year. Such a scheme has been long called for by Alliance member the CPRE, amongst others, and will improve the …

V&A opens dialogue on looted Ethiopian treasures

Editor News

The Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) is offering to return Ethiopian treasures that were looted by British troops at the battle of Maqdala on long-term loan, so ownership would remain with the museum. This offer may put pressure on other UK institutions that hold seized Ethiopian …

New sentencing guidelines for arson and criminal damage proposed

Editor News

The Sentencing Council has published proposed new guidelines covering arson and criminal damage offences. The guidelines, for courts in England and Wales, will help ensure consistent and proportionate sentencing for these offences. The guidelines highlight that the impact of arson or criminal damage to national …

VAT: EU proposals for reform and the implications of Brexit

Editor News

The House of Commons. European Scrutiny committee has published a report on the EUs proposals for VAT reform. The key area from a heritage perspective is on introducing flexibility for member states to reduce VAT rates. The report notes that the Financial Secretary to the Treasury (Mel Stride) …

Government presses ahead with ivory ban

Editor News

The Government received 71,238 responses to the consultation, including 60,613 campaign responses and 2 petition responses. The Heritage Alliance responded as well. The Government’s consultation response provides a summary of the responses, evidence and views submitted to the consultation and contains a policy statement setting out the basis …

Councils to charge double the rate of Council Tax on empty homes

Editor News

The Government has introduced new legislation to allow councils across England to charge double the rate of Council Tax on homes left empty for 2 years or more. The Rating (Property in Common Occupation) and Council Tax (Empty Dwellings) Bill was introduced on 28 March 2018. The House of …

Creative Industries Sector Deal launched

Editor News

The Heritage Alliance was at the launch of the Creative Industries Sector Deal: More than £150 million will be jointly invested by government and industry to help the country’s world-leading cultural and creative businesses thrive as part of landmark Sector Deal. A New Cultural Development Fund …