British tourism set for record figures in 2018

Editor News

According to VisitBritain overseas visits to the UK are forecast to break through the 40 million mark for the first time in 2018, reaching 41.7 million, up 4.4 per cent on 2017, which is expected to see 39.9 million total visits.

Heritage Planning Case Database

Editor News

A reminder that Historic England’s case database can be used to search for appeal and call-in decisions relating to planning permission affecting heritage assets and listed building consent in England.

Protection of shipwrecks

Editor News

Lord Lingfield asked the Government what plans it had to provide additional funds to monitor and protect shipwrecks in the Exclusive Economic Zone as required by Article 9 of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. Lord Ashton of Hyde responded that ‘The …

IHBC’s new website for 2018

Editor News

The IHBC [Alliance member] has launched its new website, with a new look and enhanced interface to its 30,000+ pages, while asking users to let it know of any broken web links or if any support is needed.

Hedgerows and boundaries grant: Countryside Stewardship

Editor News

The Government has published a Manual on Capital grants for farmers and land managers to restore existing farm boundaries, many of which will have a heritage significance. The manual provides information on eligibility, how to apply and the rules for the scheme.

Free guide to GDPR published by Charity Finance Group

Editor News

The Charity Finance Group has published a free guide to help voluntary organisations comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The guide is split into five parts governance, fundraising data, financial data, beneficiary data and employee data

Preparations for the new Data Protection Act

Editor News

DCMS has published its Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018 which reveals: 38% of businesses, and 44% of charities, say they have heard of the General Data Protection Regulation. Among those aware of GDPR, just over a quarter of businesses and of charities made changes to their operations …