Heritage 2020: Capacity Building working group update

Editor News

The Heritage 2020 Capacity Building group brings together people from 11 organisations to address issues that the historic environment sector has agreed are a priority for collaborative working in England. The two current action areas are: working towards a more integrated and focused approach to …

THA response to call for evidence on Aviation Strategy

Editor News

The Heritage Alliance has responded to the Government’s call for evidence on its Aviation Strategy. Our response, among other things, flags the importance of heritage to tourism and vice versa and considers the potential impact of new airports and routes on heritage assets. Read our …

THA meeting with Treasury

Editor News

Following the release of our Heritage Manifesto, the Chancellor, Phillip Hammond, invited us to meet with Treasury officials to discuss VAT. We had a useful discussion flagging our response to the Office of Tax Simplification on how VAT can be simplified to benefit the heritage …

THA meeting with Michael Gove

Editor News

Loyd Grossman and our CEO, Lizzie Glithero- West, had a positive meeting with Environment Secretary Michael Gove last week, where we discussed items from our Heritage Manifesto, Brexit Briefing Paper and Rural Heritage Under Threat: Looking After Our Landscapes Post-Brexit. We agreed with his previous …

Prime Minister’s speech to the Conservative Party conference

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The Prime Minister has set out her plan to help people achieve ‘the British dream’ in her speech to the Conservative party conference. The Prime Minister explicitly referenced the importance of the north’s industrial heritage – stating ‘Cities like Manchester were the pioneers that fired …

Prime Minster sets out Brexit vision in Florence

Editor News

Speaking about her Brexit plan in Florence the Prime Minister made a commitment to continue working in ways “that promote the long-term economic development of the continent”. To this end, she said the UK would want to continue to take part in specific policies and …

Heritage Counts: Heritage and the Economy published

Editor News

Heritage Counts has published Heritage and the Economy. This summarises findings from studies on heritage and economic activity and also introduces new research: the Heritage Economic Impact Indicator Workbook 2017. The findings have also been summarised in a set of regional heritage economy documents: Headline …

Wellbeing Inequality report

Editor News

What Works Wellbeing has published Drivers of wellbeing inequality. A briefing summarises the key points. Although the research wasn’t specifically looking for a link between heritage and wellbeing, it found one. The report has important findings for the sector: “Higher levels of engagement in heritage …

Celebrating 50 years of conservation areas

Editor News

September 28th marked 50 years since the very first conservation area came into being in Stamford, Lincolnshire. Five decades on, there are now 10,000 conservation areas in England; at least one in every local authority. To mark this special anniversary, Historic England is carrying out …