The Victorian Society [Alliance member] has marked 10 years of itsendangered buildings campaign with a new top 10 list. The 2017 list includes two Victorian cemetery chapels designed by Alfred Waterhouse, the architect behind London’s Natural History Museum; a former glassworks in the Midlands which produced …
Rescue says: Our World Heritage Sites need more protection
Pointing to concerns over multiple World Heritage Sites, Rescue [Alliance member] has stated that these point to serious issues surrounding the protection of our WHSs. Rescue goes on to state that ‘special measures are needed, since the normal planning processes demonstrate serious inadequacies and give insufficient …
Subscribe to the Digital Minister’s new tech newsletter
Subscribe to receive the latest tech news from the UK and abroad, as well as a weekly round-up of all the news and announcements from the Digital Minister.
Energy efficiency for the National Trust
Paul Southall, environmental advisor at the National Trust [Alliance member] and co-founder of the Fit for the Future Environmental Network has written an article on energy efficiency for the IHBC [Alliance member]. This concludes that ‘whatever the size or age of property, the guiding principle has been …
June Hargreaves – the woman who helped save historic York
The York Post has reported on the work of June Hargreaves. Her 1964 book, Historic Buildings: Problems Of Their Preservation is said to have led to one of the key measures of the 1967 Civic Amenities Act – the idea of ‘conservation areas’.
Contactless donation points
The National Funding Scheme (NFS), under the DONATE brand, provides a range of free mobile fundraising tools for charitable organisations to maximise fundraising campaigns. This October DONATE launches contactless donation points. These can be rented or bought by charities and allow donors to tap their debit or …
Roads Investment Strategy
Ahead of the Government’s next Roads Investment Strategy (RIS2) to be released this year, The Campaign to Protect Rural England [Alliance member] have released a joint report with Campaign for Better Transport and 15 other environmental groups setting out their priorities for England’s Strategic Roads …
Register for donations on Facebook
To make it easier for charities to raise money on Facebook, it will now allow charities to collect donations and enable supporters to fundraise for your charity. You can sign up here. Remember to like the Heritage Alliance on Facebook.
Creative Europe Call to support cooperation projects related to the European Year for Cultural Heritage 2018
The Creative Europe Call to support cooperation projects related to the European Year for Cultural Heritage 2018 has been launched. The Call is an invitation to cultural actors across the EU to get involved in the Year’s activities and to promote cultural heritage as a source …
The Aviva Community Fund is now open!
The Aviva Community Fund is back, offering support and funding to causes. To be eligible to apply, the project has to enrich the community, making positive changes to people’s lives in one of these four categories: • Health and wellbeing • Skills for life • Community …
Planning for the right homes in the right places
DCLG is consulting on a number of proposals to reform the planning system to increase the supply of new homes and increase local authority capacity to manage growth. Proposals include: a standard method for calculating local authorities’ housing need how neighbourhood planning groups can have greater …
Consultation on new homes bonus
The Government is consulting on the local Government finance settlement 2018 to 2019. This closes at 11:45pm on 26 October 2017. The consultation looks at the design of the new homes bonus for councils and considers an alternative approach. Instead of linking a reduction in the Bonus …