The Barclay Review on Non-Domestic Rates for Scotland has two proposals which would affect listed buildings: the existing 100% vacant listed building rate relief limited to 2 years, but expansion of the categories of properties that can qualify for Fresh Start relief (50%) so that all listed …
Heritage Impact Statements in Wales — Reminder
From 1 September 2017 a Heritage Impact Statement has been required to support any application for listed building or conservation area consent in Wales. The Heritage Impact Statement will replace the Design and Access Statement in the application process for listed building consent. Guidance on preparing …
John Ellerman Foundation launches museums development fund
The John Ellerman Foundation has created a curatorial development fund worth £500,000. The Fund aims to help strengthen regional museums and galleries in the UK.
New fund launched to reduce litter through innovative projects
New, innovative community projects against litter will be able to bid for the new Government Litter Innovation Fund. Almost £500,000 will be awarded to community projects to tackle the blight of littering which can reduce the attractiveness of historic towns and cities both for residents …
A quick and simple guide to community rights
The Government has updated its guidance to community rights. These can be used to help protect heritage and include: Neighbourhood planning Asset of Community Value Community Right to Bid Community Asset Transfer Community ownership or management Community shares; and Crowdfunding. It also points people in the …
Angela McConville New Old Royal Naval College CEO
Angela McConville has been appointed Chief Executive of the Old Royal Naval College to succeed Brendan McCarthy, who retires on October 3rd after over 5 years leading the organisation. She is currently Chief Executive of the Westway Trust in West London.
Peter Aiers new Churches Conservation Trust Chief Executive
Peter Ainsworth, Chairman of The Churches Conservation Trust [Alliance member] has announced that Peter Aiers will be the new Chief Executive of the Trust.
£40 million to create jobs and boost visitors to the British Coast
The Government has announced the next round of the Coastal Communities Fund. The fifth round of funding for 2019 to 2021 will provide at least £40 million to help coastal areas in England further transform their economies and boost jobs in their local area. It will be …
Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage
In response to a written question Heritage Minister, John Glen, has stated that the Government remains committed to reviewing the case for UK ratification of the 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. It is considering the plans and timescales for a review …
Papers on data protection and Northern Ireland post Brexit
The Department for Exiting the European Union has published a paper on the importance of establishing a UK-EU model for protecting and exchanging personal data which allows free flows of data to continue between the EU and UK. The Government announced its plans in the Queen’s Speech for …
Heritage Online Debate: 70th Anniversary of the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act
Marking the 70th anniversary of the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act (TCPA), this edition of Historic England’ s Heritage Online Debate will be discussing and debating TCPA’s legacy on the listing building system in England. Topics of discussion will include the value of designation, visually documenting …
Petition for interim protection for listed buildings after developer destroys Jacobean ceiling
Heritage Alliance members the Victorian Society and SAVE Britain’s Heritage are among organisations urging the public to sign a petition asking the Government to give interim protection to buildings proposed for listing. The move comes after a Bristol former town house’s elaborate Jacobean ceiling was deliberately destroyed …