Parliamentary reception celebrating excellence in fundraising

Editor News

The Alliance was delighted to attend a parliamentary reception celebrating excellence in fundraising by the Institute of Fundraising on the 17th of January. Speakers at the event included Rob Wilson, Minister for Civil Society, who spoke of the Government’s vision for a ‘shared society’ and …

Heritage sector Speakers for Schools needed

Editor News

The Alliance has been asked by DCMS to encourage the heritage sector to work with Speakers for Schools – a charity that provides state schools with free talks from leading figures. They are currently creating a database of creative leaders who would be willing to give talks …

Prime Minister gives speech to Charity Commission AGM

Editor News

Theresa May set out her vision for ‘the shared society’ and the government’s role within at the Charity Commission’s AGM. In her speech the Prime Minister set out her new agenda of social reform and stated that, among other things it ‘means creating an environment …

Heritage Alliance to attend Brexit Round Table

Editor News

The Heritage Alliance is one of a number of heritage sector organisations attending a round table meeting on Brexit with the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport on 24th January. Please get in contact if you have statistics on Brexit’s expected impact and …

Heritage Sector New Year Honours

Editor News

Congratulations to those in the heritage sector who have been awarded a New Year’s Honour. The Chair of the Historic Religious Buildings Alliance (a group within the Heritage Alliance) Trevor Cooper was awarded the MBE for services to ecclesiastical heritage. We would like to add …