DEFRA Quarterly Report

Editor News

DEFRA has now published the latest quarterly report on the progress and main findings from the Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme Tests and Trials. ELM has also confirmed their intent to publish a third call for Tests and Trials proposals to contribute to the design of the new Landscape Recovery scheme. …

Environment Bill

Editor News

The Environment Bill was due to have its report stage and third reading this Tuesday, but the government announced that the bill will again be delayed. It is now expected to return early in the next Parliamentary session and become law “by autumn”. Organisations working for wildlife and environmental …

The new website of the Historic Environment Forum is live!

Editor News

The Historic Environment Forum launched their new website. You can find information on the Forum and their members, and it showcases current and past activities, driven by the recently developed ‘Strategic Framework for Collaborative Action’. It includes also the outputs of the programme Heritage 2020, which concluded in …

Heritage Heroes – Applications Are In

Editor News

Thank you to all those who nominated your Heritage Heroes for 2020. We received a record number of applications this year and our judging panel met last week to shortlist the winners. Watch this space in the coming weeks as we announce the finalists. The winner will …

Alliance Members: Book onto this year’s AGM!

Editor Events, News

Members of The Heritage Alliance will have received an invitation to this year’s virtual AGM in their inboxes this week. Our AGM will be happening on 11 February and is happening separately from Heritage Day this year. Heritage Day will be taking place over the mornings of 24th and …

Future of Transport: Rural Strategy

Editor News

The Department for Transport has launch a Call for Evidence on the ‘Future of Transport: Rural Strategy’. The government is seeking views on their assessment of mobility trends in rural areas and the approach they could take to influence these trends to the benefit of …

Disability History Month

Editor News

The theme for United Kingdom Disability History Month (UKDHM) 2020 – running from 18 November to 18 December 2020 – is Access: How far have we come? How far have we to go? Resources are available for this year, as well as for all previous years back to …

Seeking Support for Hostels

Editor News

Hostels has been one sector of the tourism industry that has been particularly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the nature of shared accommodation and facilities. Hostelling has also been impacted by the fall in the youth and school travel markets, with an over …

60% of UK Galleries and Museums Worried For Survival

Editor News

New research from Art Fund has revealed that 60 percent of galleries and museums in the UK are worried they will never reopen after having to close earlier this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Read the full press release here). The charity has launched ‘Together for …

Environment Bill

Editor News

The Environment Bill is scheduled to report to the House of Commons on 2 December 2020. We continue to advocate for some small changes to the legislations to include the historic environment in the provisions for the Bill. You can see our latest briefing on …