New hope for Norwich – Public inquiry for 20 storey tower

Editor News

SPAB [Alliance Member] are pleased to report that the highly controversial 20-storey tower proposal for Norwich City Centre has been ‘called-in’ for public inquiry. Following strong concerns raised by SAVE, Historic England, CPRE, the Norwich Society and many local residents, the Secretary of State for …

Theatre architecture recognised in RIBA Regional Awards shortlists

Editor News

RIBA [Alliance Member] has announced the shortlists for its regional awards, which include several theatres and performance spaces. The Theatres Trust [Alliance Member] congratulated all building operators and the architects for creating and adapting brilliant buildings. Regional winners will be announced at awards ceremonies in May …

National Lottery Project Grants: Guidance update

Editor News

Got an idea for an arts and culture project or activity? Need funding to make it happen? NLHF also made some small updates to their guidance and information sheets for National Lottery Project Grants. Get the updated guidance >

CLA responds to Natural England’s decision to revoke licences for bird control

Editor News

Responding to Natural England’s announcement, CLA‘s [Alliance Member] President Tim Breitmeyer said: “It is hugely disappointing that Natural England is being diverted into reviewing these licences for no practical benefit. This will place additional strain on their limited resources, further breeding an ever-growing sense of frustration …

Worthing is named Pier of the Year 2019

Editor News

After taking second or third place for the past four years the Grade II listed Art Deco Worthing pier has been voted Pier Of The Year 2019 by the members of the National Piers Society [Alliance Member]. Clacton came second and Cleveden third. A total of 29 …

Make the case for art and culture

Editor News

The Arts Council have launched their new toolkit to help you tell the story of how art and culture positively impacts people’s lives. It’s a simple, 3-step guide that includes tips on how to create your story, and how to share it with MPs, the media …

UK local authority culture spend ‘smallest in Europe’

Editor News

New analysis of European data finds growth in culture spending across Europe is driven by the countries in the East of the continent, which doubled their culture spend. Local government funding for culture is a lower budget priority in the UK than in almost any …