Following a recent incident where the driver of an historic vehicle was erroneously given notice of intended prosecution by a police officer, The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (The Federation) [Alliance member] has made efforts to avoid similar incidents by contacting the parties responsible seeking clarifications.
They have already made available to their members through the website ( a letter from the Department for Transport clarifying the position on exemptions, but it was still the case that enforcing officers had no access to a database of declarations by owners of VHIs as this data when supplied by owners is not recorded.
Chief Constable Bangham has confirmed that police recognise that there is a presumption that where a vehicle meets the criteria as laid out by the Department of Transport (DfT) it does not require an MOT Certificate and any person using such a vehicle cannot commit an offence. Officers will not rely on declarations made at relicensing times to police this matter.
The Federation are pleased now on the eve of Drive it Day, probably the largest national assemblage of historic vehicles of the year, to provide this confirmation to all their members. Their advice for anyone who remains concerned is simply to print a copy of the Department for Transport letter of 11 January and carry it with your other documents.