Pre 1919 housing stock more likely to be rented than owner occupied

Editor News

The report on the findings of the survey is split into two sections. The first, on households, covers tenure etc. The second section, on page 24, is on homes and provides an overview of the housing stock in England including: the age, size, and type of home; energy efficiency of the housing stock.

The report finds that the age of dwellings varied by tenure. Privately rented dwellings were more likely to be older with a third (34%) built before 1919, compared with 20% of owner occupied and 6% of social sector homes.

Just under three quarters (72%) of local authority housing stock was built between 1945 and 1980, compared with 47% of housing association homes. Just 8% of local authority stock was built after 1980, compared with 37% of housing association homes.

Interestingly the report shows that pre-1919 built homes are significantly more likely to be rented than owner occupied (see figure 2.2).