Call for Nature’s Recovery by 2030

Editor News

Wildlife and Countryside Link, supported by a long list of organisations including The National Trust and CPRE [Alliance Members], have started a petition, calling on the Prime Minister to make sure the Environment Bill “sets a legally binding ‘State of Nature’ target to begin to reverse nature’s decline …


Editor News

#HeritageChat is a monthly, one-hour Twitter chat to discuss collectively important topics for the sector. It is run from the handle @HeritageChat, using a set of questions suggested by users. The next #HeritageChat, on Tuesday 16th March 1-2pm (UK time), will be devoted to ‘Local Heritage & …

Exhibit in Lincolnshire

Editor Events, News

Heritage Lincolnshire [Alliance Member] is encouraging businesses to attend as exhibitors to their upcoming Exhibition: Build for the Future East Midlands. And note that this event has now been postponed until 8 June.

Ten New Parks for Londoners

Editor News

CPRE [Alliance Member] has just launched a new campaign: Ten New Parks for London. The organisation will be working with local groups to bring neglected or derelict green spaces back into use as parks, nature reserves or playing fields.

Disability History Month

Editor News

The theme for United Kingdom Disability History Month (UKDHM) 2020 – running from 18 November to 18 December 2020 – is Access: How far have we come? How far have we to go? Resources are available for this year, as well as for all previous years back to …

Seeking Support for Hostels

Editor News

Hostels has been one sector of the tourism industry that has been particularly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the nature of shared accommodation and facilities. Hostelling has also been impacted by the fall in the youth and school travel markets, with an over …

60% of UK Galleries and Museums Worried For Survival

Editor News

New research from Art Fund has revealed that 60 percent of galleries and museums in the UK are worried they will never reopen after having to close earlier this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Read the full press release here). The charity has launched ‘Together for …

Grants from AIM

Editor News

A reminder of the grants still available from AIM: Tackling Inequalities Hallmarks Grants (grants of up to £10,000 for accredited museums) Express your interest for AIM Biffa Award History Makers (receive up to £75,000 to tell the story of your historical figure – until 14 December) AIM Pilgrim …

‘Steps to Sustainability’ – Open For Applications

Editor News

This National Lottery Heritage Fund opportunity will provide a pathway for 60 heritage organisations across the UK to be ambitious, forward-thinking and deliver exciting new projects. Participants will bring a business idea to the programme which they will have the opportunity to develop throughout the duration of …

Thriving Communities Fund

Editor News

Arts Council England (ACE), the National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP) and partners have teamed up to launch a new £1.4m fund, which is open to heritage organisations. The Fund is designed to increase social connectedness, and help communities cope with the impact of COVID-19. …