Heritage Heroes Awards 2020: Nominations are now open!

Editor News

Do you know someone who went in to check on an empty heritage building in lockdown? Do you know someone who ensured the safety of precious artefacts, or who gathered supporters online with new ideas to keep a project alive? Volunteers are vital for the …

The Long-Term Future of the Heritage Sector

Editor News

The COVID-19 pandemic is having and will continue to have, a significant impact on the heritage sector. This brief covers some of the key issues around the long-term sustainability of the heritage sector and highlights where the government can support us. In this document, we …

COVID-19 Update and Support

Editor News

The current coronavirus outbreak is understandably causing concern amongst our membership and the sector more widely. We are doing everything we can to advocate on behalf of the sector at this challenging time, including through regular meetings and communications with DCMS. We continue to update …

Heritage Debate 2019: Reaching For Net Zero?

Editor Events, News

This year’s Heritage Debate will be centred around the challenge: “Reaching for Net Zero?”. It will focus on the relationship between heritage and the environment and how we can respond to the existing climate change threats. Participants will hopefully leave with a sense of the challenges the sector …

Book Your Place at Heritage Day 2019

Editor Events, News

Booking will soon be open for the biggest event in the heritage calendar – The Heritage Alliance’s annual Heritage Day on 27th November. Heritage Day 2019 will be held at the incredible Tower of London. Join our Chairman Peter Ainsworth, the Minister for Arts, Heritage and Tourism Helen …

October Heritage Chat – Engaging 16-24 year olds with Heritage

Editor News

This month’s chat will take place on Thursday 17th October, 13:00-14:00. Both the 2017/18 and 2018/19 DCMS ‘Taking Part’ Surveys revealed that the 16-24 age group visited heritage sites less frequently than other age groups between 25 and 74. The Heritage 2020 Public Engagement working group is …

Giving To Heritage

Editor News

Giving to Heritage was The Heritage Alliance’s exciting training programme for fundraisers in the heritage sector, which ended in 2017, but its legacy led to many successful heritage projects and initiatives (see the full report on Giving to Heritage programme here). Working in partnership with the Institute …