The Prince’s Foundation [Alliance Member] released Housing Britain- A Call to Action this week. The paper drives home the need for widespread, thoughtful place-making in the UK and examines exemplary case studies from across the country. It is hoped that the document will provide a foundation from which stakeholders in the built environment can work together to build spaces and places of the future.
Opening with an overview of the current housing crisis, the case studies explore innovative solutions to the poor provision of affordable homes. Placing shared spaces at the heart of planned communities, navigating the complex task of regeneration through restoration, and using Sustainable Urban Drainage systems to introduce green corridors and reduce flooding – these are just some of the plethora of investigated possibilities.
Also included is an interview with Ben Derbyshire, President of RIBA [Alliance Members] and architect George Saumarez Smith on the aesthetics of housing and the importance of beauty in new builds.