Blackbaud Europe, together with the Institute of Fundraising (who were partners in our Giving to Heritage Project), have released a report surveying the state of fundraising across the UK for the second year in a row. Over 1,000 fundraising professionals were surveyed to collate the report, which drew conclusions on the following topics:
- Fundraisers are Happy– 84% of respondents said they enjoyed their job in the non-profit sector);
- Digital Works– 94% of respondents use social media to communicate with supporters;
- Innovation, Skills and Investment– 62% of respondents said that their income growth was planned on the basis of new and different activity;
- Diversity– only 21% of respondents thought that the wider sector were taking appropriate action to address issues of diversity and inclusion, as opposed to the 50% who said the same of their own organisation;
- The Aftermath of GDPR– 77% of respondents stated that GDPR made them think differently about their own engagement strategies.