Three day residency hosted by AHRC Heritage Priority Area in October

Editor News

The AHRC Heritage Priority Area is organising a three day “residency” at the British Academy on the 4-6th of October: a PGR/ECR Heritage Researchers Workshop on the 4th, with an evening Public Lecture and Reception to mark the Formal Launch of the Priority Area; a Conference, Heritage Studies: Critical Approaches and New Directions followed by an Evening Discussion, Policy, Research and Future Practice, on the 5th; and the Heritage and Global Challenges Workshop on the 6th.

The Residency is the first of many activities that will be organised and hosted by the Priority Area team – led by Professor Rodney Harrison, UCL – to draw together and stimulate discussion on heritage’s role within the global framework of sustainable development goals; support interconnections between research, policy and practice; and encourage a wider approach to understanding heritage.  Events are open to the public however spaces are limited, with more information on how to participate on the temporary website. Please also follow @AHRCHeritage for heritage updates, news and events.