Valentine Daffodils?

Editor News

85% of people believe visiting a garden is good for their soul and the National Trust [Alliance Member] teams are out conducting their annual Valentine’s Flower Count.

The stats are in from the garden teams who declare that the swingometer is definitely pointing to spring nearly being here and at a similar time to last year with just 2% more blooms than in 2018.

The daffodil has been voted the most loved spring flower in a survey run with National Trust supporters on social media for the second year running with prior to that, the snowdrop was the top choice for the previous four years. 72% of people who took part in the survey have snowdrops and 66% have daffodils already in bloom in their gardens. National Trust gardens at Kingston Lacy, Stourhead, Cotehele and Hidcote have also been voted the most popular places to visit to see spring flowers. MoreĀ here.