Become A Member

Ready to become a Heritage Alliance member?

Hover over or click on the different cards below to view prices for our different membership types. You can then click the 'Join Us' button on the back each card to sign up.

If you would like a conversation to better understand how becoming a member of The Heritage Alliance could benefit your organisation, please contact our Membership and Event Coordinator, Emma at

Core Membership

Core membership is primarily open to charitable and not-for-profit organisations that are within or involved with the Heritage Sector and interested in our work of championing England’s independent heritage sector.

Annual Turnover Rate per Annum
More than £50M £2,105
£15M to £50M £1,610
£10M to £15M £1,365
£5M to £10M £1,215
£1M to £5M £1,085
£500,000 to £999,999 £710
£250,000 to £499,999 £530
£50,000 to £249,999 £355
Up to £49,999 £210
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Affiliate Membership

Our affiliate membership is designed primarily for commercial organisations interested in tapping into our extensive networks and insights and offering their expertise our membership.

Annual Turnover Rate per Annum
More than £10M £1,860
£1M to £10M £1,235
£250,000 to £1M £590
Up to £250,000 £300
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Individual Supporter

Only organisations can be members of the Heritage Alliance. If you are an individual and would like to be a part of the Heritage Alliance network, you might consider becoming an individual supporter.

Supporter Type Subscription
Annual £50 per annum
Lifetime £500 one-time
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